lesson is: don't rely on governments,GET TESTED,
and if you have surgery: aggressively follow up your treatment!
"Colorectal tumours kill more Canadians than either breast or prostate cancer. And screening has been sought — for years — by Cancer Care Ontario, the provincial agency that co-ordinates cancer services.
But Queen's Park hasn't acted.
Despite billions spent on cancer research, despite the work of thousands of scientists, hundreds of new drugs, better radiation techniques and improved surgery — despite all that, the odds of dying of cancer haven't much changed since the 1960s. Prevention saves many more lives Death rates still alarmingly high
There has been progress. Better treatments allow most cancer patients to live longer and more comfortably. Chemotherapy's ravages are better controlled. Surgery is less disfiguring.
cigarette smoking is still the single largest preventable cause of cancer."
Obesity is another big factor; the American Cancer Society links one-third of cancer deaths to unhealthy diet and inactivity.